Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Readers Rule!

Well people, I have noticed a drastic drop in the number of people actually reading this blog. Fortunately this has been made up for by the number of regular readers I have gotten. It is the regular readers that make a difference.

I have been talking to a few of you via email, and it is the feedback you give me that keeps me posting. I look forward to every comment you leave me, not to mention that some of you have volunteered to write some articles about games that you have played. That is going to help me out a lot. Not only will it mean more content for the site, but it also means that I have to do less work. ;)

The last thing I wanted to say in this post is that college is starting for me soon, and you all know what that means. I will be in touch with my friends that are art majors. That's right, I am hopeing to give this site a new look. It kinda looks like crap now. maybe a better look will keep some readers around. It can't hurt to try.

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